
We are truly blessed by God's giving. We strive to bless others by giving our time, talent and money.

Your giving touches lives and grows the church.

Two of Jesus' primary teachings in the New Testament are first,  that we are to Love God and neighbor and Second, we are to follow him: "Follow me and I will make you fishers of people." We want our givers to know how we use your contributions. When you give generously to Church of the Messiah, you help us love our neighbors by:

And your generosity helps us to follow Jesus by:

  • offering opportunities that allow parishioners and visitors to grow in faith such as weekly worship (both in-person and live-streamed), choir, Bible studies and Children's Sunday School.
  • over time, these opportunities attract new worshippers making us fishers of people.
  • providing support for the logistics of a church - rent, salaries, communication, publicity, equipment, etc. - which allows us to focus on our mission.

Ways To Give

Text Giving

Text MessiahAtTheBeach and any amount (such as $50) to 73256 to complete a gift. Text giving is great for quick, easy, onetime gifts such as memorials and honorariums as well as recurring gifts. Text giving will automatically save your payment information for future gifts. Text HELP to 73256 for help. 

Make checks payable to "The Episcopal Church of the Messiah" and mail to: Box 70367, Myrtle Beach, SC 29572

Checks and cash may be placed in the offering basket at Sunday worship.

Whichever way you choose to give, we give you a heartfelt thank you!

A pledge to support the mission & ministry of the Episcopal church of the Messiah.

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